Finals Week

Dec 13, 2006 11:54

Well, this week is the most dreaded week of the semester. I think it's so dumb to take the most important tests of the semester, and put them all at the same time, and go "Hope you don't die." I can't really think of another way to test the semesters cumulative knowledge in your tests, but I certainly don't like the way it is done now.

I currently am awake due to consuming massive amounts of unhealthy substances, and a 2 hour nap I took from 12:20 am to 2:30 am. If Seth had been able to not snore, it would have been a longer nap, but alas. He has allergies. I have a final in my psychiatry class in 2 hours, and I need to shower before then. But I felt like doing something completely unproductive, and updating here fits that bill perfectly. I still need to study typical and atypical antipsychotics, and the history of Reserpine, but, I think I might just have to miss those questions. No sleep and tons of caffienne do not a focused April make.

Hm. I kind of can't wait for Christmas, since it's the first one for Seth and I, and it should be highly nice and romantic, but at the same time, I kind of want it to be next year already. Being married means twice as much family to visit, and living far away from all our friend means extended visits to S'port and maybe Dallas. So my "break" is more of a "spend 5 weeks traveling all over Louisiana and the eastern part of Texas." Since I still have 1.5 hours before my final, and a shower only takes .5 hours, I will go through why I want it to be next year.

This week is finals. Currently, that means about 8 hours of sleep total between last night and this Friday. Then, it's off to Houston to see (his) family. Then Christmas (3 whole days at home, yay!). Then, to Alexandria to see (my) family. Then, to New Orleans for a married christian people conference thing. Then, to Shreveport/Dallas (maybe) for to see (my) parents and the guys, and Sherry, etc etc. Then school starts. Then I graduate. Then I go to China. Then I have a full time job and "real life" begins with all it's big bills and no fun. Then Seth graduates and we move to Texas.

So, I want it to be next year so I can move to Texas, and settle down with my normal schedule. And go to grad school and have babies, lol. But not for a while. I MUST go to Europe before I have children. You just can't have the same mix of adult culture (like old churches, you dirty people) and young 20's fun when there are kids. And you especially can't go to special coffeehouses in Amsterdam. :)

This is getting long and rambling. I wonder exactly how much caffienne is cosidered an overdose. For those of you who are curious, I recently have had an entire 2 liter of mountain dew, and i plan on drinking at least 2 red bulls before my second test of the day in abnormal psych. That is obviously no where close to really overdosing, it just makes me feel slightly not human. I've been talking a LOT, and I can't stop thinking. But I suppose that's good for the studying. The good news is that if I can simply maintain my current grades, I will have a 3.5 GPA for the semester, giving me a 3.3 total GPA. If I can't maintain, and I completely bomb, I will at least have a 2.0, which still gets me a degree, if not grad school.

I'm still rambling. I will go now. If you made it this far, congratulations on being really bored. :)


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