(no subject)

Nov 18, 2004 07:45

All right, I've now decided to update my journal for some really dumb reason, but here it is. God this is depressing...I don't wanna write it but I am. Anyhoo I have carpal tunnel in my left arm. It's really bad, and I may have nerve damage, the doctor is flipping about it all, thinking I may never be able to use my left arm/hand area the way I did before, and college may be put on hold. Even though colleges are calling us up trying to get me to go there (one place said they'd give me 20,000 if I went), and I'm seeing the hand surgeon today. He's probably gonna say lets just cut it up and see what happens...ugh. I also have a mega huge exam today in Meteorology, oh god kill me now. Today our weather is rather a low pressure, with the winds coming from the west, going up, in the Hadley cell, no wait it's not the Hadley, god I'm dead tired. I'm just dead. Wish I could write something of interest, but I can't. In too much pain. I did all right on my SAT's for once, 10+ which was good, not as good as 14+ but eh it's fine. No complaints. Analogies can go to hell though. A cat is to a f*cking cow as a slut is to a chicken hahaha. Yea, I have issues today. Blame the 1000 mg of pain killer. It's a lot, since I'm in so much darn pain and screaming practically if my arm gets touched. Lord am I messed up at the moment. Lordie, I am. God who cares, I'm in pain and that's all that matters. It hurts like a whore and wow I sure am using the world whore a lot? Ou but anyhoo last night after German class, so I get back home and I'm like James, I think a guy asked me out to do something as friends and crap, and he's like NO YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO...I'm like why the stars not, he's like no Nora, if you want a date I'm taking you myself, no dating other guys *rolls eyes* Men are so dumb and macho at times. Lordie, then it made me think back to Encore with say you had guy number A and girl number 1...lord, those were fun times, really fun times...

So there's nothing much for me to say, this is getting x-posted at my two journals so eh yea :S I dunno, I'm like messed up majorly times whoa. And wow I'm making as much sense as a drunk James that calls me up saying I'm sitting in a tree and barfing my guts out. Don't you love them college friends that get drunk every night? It's the best don't you think? Anyhoo, I'm now done...
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