Random Complaints+ Random suff

Feb 26, 2005 22:10

Well it's like almost march now and u know what that means...spring....whoo hooo hooo!!! Can't wait for those romantic sunsets on the manitoba plains in the middle of spring...lol!! What?? Anyways that raises a question why isn't it spring now??? Like havent we suffered enough with this winter??? Or last summer, or last winter??? I'm getting sick of this shit, Sure we have the most beatiful summers in the world but we've been paying for it tooooo much!!!

You know what i also realized...that the manitoba tourism books are nothing but secrets and lies!! Like seriously they have a picture of someone watching a sunset through beatiful hills and some kinda cliff, while some mounty is soulting you!! Now i've lived here all my life and the closest thing i've experienced to that was shovling the ass end of my car out in May, while being flipped off by some drunks in a rusted Camaro, who were blasting some Guess Who tunes!!! Pfff...Secrets and lies i tell u...lol

Oh ya new stuff....uhhhh single now, i've been nominated to run for president of the Students Acc at my College, but i've decided to go for vice president...no Jr vice president they're usually hotter and get hot chicks!! uhhh doing some jornalism work for one of the biggest street rodding journals....well i hope to...if i'm good enough...we'll just see...uhhhhh....ya nothing much, the usual.
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