
Turkey. What is it about, really?

Jun 14, 2013 08:49

The power of eminent domain? No. Although we have some HORRIBLE examples of that here in the US (look up the Kelo case in New London), this is an inappropriate comparison.

The land slated for development in Turkey is a government owned, urban park... one that has been sold to private industry for retail space. What is the problem? Apparently the citizens of Turkey value this park.

The sad thing is the same thing is going on here in the US, but I hear nothing about anyone protesting. I am not talking about the sale of pockets of private land that still exist in our park system, but actual Federal land.

I realize that the comparison here is still lame, as Turkey is a much smaller place than the US. Also, this is a very visible, urban park that any Turkish citizen see every day rather than the out-of-sight-out-of-mind-huge US National Parks only people with means to travel can appreciate. A more apt comparison would be if DC decided to sell off a chunk of the Mall for business development.

But still, about those parks; I guess we need to do something to pay the mushrooming US deficit off, right... ?
Why Not? No one here seems to mind.
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