Jan 14, 2010 03:26
I went to see my doctor yesterday, I hadn't seen him since before I got laid off in June '08, I think I saw him sometime in March or April '08, so nearly 2 years. I got poked and prodded, got an EKG and all that fun stuff. I had blood work done and the phlebotomist took four vials of blood, plus I had to pee in a cup! ;-) He's referred me to get a sleep test, which he did back when I saw him in 2008, but wasn't quick enough to act upon it before I got the pink slip. They'll be calling me, hopefully soon, to schedule my appointment. For far too long I haven't felt rested when I wake up. Even when I sleep for a good 7 or 8 hours I'm still tired when I wake up. My mum said that I struggle to breathe when I sleep. I had my tonsils and adenoids out when I was a kidlet, but because of my size it is more than likely that I have sleep apnea. Hopefully I can get some sort of treatment like a CPAP machine which will help me breathe and hopefully get more rested. I have a feeling a lot of my other problems are actually as a result of this issue.