Oct 06, 2004 17:45
orange slice slice and dice slice and dice dice dice roll the dice one two three shakes and bam count it out count the dots but i see so many can't see straight can't think straight it's all jolly all good what could possibly go wrong when everything is so right so real so right and i want to be held tight but no no no i can't i have to run free freeeeeee like the wind bloooowing so i'm rolling these dice sitting here drinking orangle slice and thinking about how it's going slice and dice slice and dice in my head, everyday it's the same just slice and dice dice dicey dice brain in a million bleeding pieces but i can't feel it so it's fine just keep going keep doing what you're doing cause nothing can possibly go wrong when i roll the dice take the chance evem if i lose i'm so high so naturally giddy that i can't help laughing and i know what you're thinking but i'm not ON anything how dare you i am just FINE i am just too excited over absolutely nothing nothing nothing and i know it won't last i know that when i come down off cloud nine it'll all be less sanguine less giddy and i'll be asphyxiated i won't be able to breathe or see or think straight all over again but then i won't be so carefree then it won't be so good so i hope this lasts a long time so that when i come down i can land softly