Alpha sign-ups are open!

Oct 02, 2014 10:51

Sign up here

What is it?
A Power Rangers ficathon. You request four prompts. Someone writes one of your prompts. You write one of someone's prompts. Fic for everyone, so everyone wins! And it only has to be 750 words!

I only know *insert seasons here*!!

That's okay! There are many seasons and many fans and we can accommodate everybody!

Oh crap, real life ate me and I didn't get a chance to finish!!

Well, that is indeed a bummer. But worry not! We have a handy crew of Pinch Hitters waiting to get in and fill last-minute drops. However, if you drop out two years in a row, you won't be allowed to participate again until you write someone a treat.

My person didn't give me a gen request!

Well, your person didn't follow the rules. Feel free to write one of their shippy prompts as gen.

Which seasons of Power Rangers is this open to?

All of them!

Does that include super sentai?

No, just the currently aired seasons of Power Rangers. Super Megaforce is included, Dino Charge is not. Also not included - proposed seasons like Hexagon or that pitch for a Gobusters season.

What about the "new" teams included in Super Megaforce?

You can make ONE request about the new teams that were shown in Super Megaforce. Just know that you will be getting fic about whatever your author wants to make up as their backstory, not about the sentai they were based on. (So go ahead and ask why a version of Tommy showed up with the "Legendary Squadron.")

I haven't seen all the seasons, can I still sign up?

Of course! You only have to offer the seasons you've seen, and if you haven't seen anything after MMPR or haven't seen anything except Samurai, we'll still find a match for you.

Are crossover seasons allowed?

Allowed and encouraged! All the crossover fic! You know you want Hayley and Ms. Fairweather to date. Or at least the mod does.

Is there a treats collection?

Yes! You can write a treat here!

-You get to make FOUR requests.

-At least one of the requests must be gen, since we have a lot of genficcers in the fandom. You can request anything you like, but one of the requests has to be gen.

-Please try to keep to the spirit of the requests and avoid anything your recipient specifically lists as a dislike.

-Word minimum on fills is 750 words, please! Word maximum is when your fingers fall off. Unless you are using a voice-to-text program? Then it can be when you can no longer talk or convince people to talk for you.

-Sign-ups open October 2nd and run through October 18th. Assignments will go out by October 21st. Fics are due on January 4th and they will be posted as soon as all fics are in!

-No more than two requests may be holiday themed. Not everyone celebrates [holiday of choice] - we know the Rangers certainly don't!

-Stories must be self-contained. This means both a) no to-be continued fics and b) your recipient shouldn't have to go read another fic in order to read their gift fic.
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