'Green and Yellow A Go Go' by Mariko Azrael (Katie/Trip)

Jan 09, 2008 21:03

Title: Green And Yellow A Go Go
Author: Mariko Azrael
Relationship: Katie/Trip
Rating: G to PG-13
Warning: Since I'm posting a lot more fic than last time, I'm just linking to my LJ posts. Anything possibly inappropiate will be labeled at the top of said posts.

Notes: I'm still working on this, I promise. :) Sorry I got behind on posting. Considering that I'm doing this and prau_100 now, I decided it might be time to post my more recent stuff for this comm.

#14, Peanut Butter

#43, Crash! Boom! Bang!

#89, Stolen Kiss

#81, Friendship

#63, Nightmares

#8, Holiday

#5, Dinner
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