Feb 24, 2009 02:32
but i had the urge to. i just saw seven pounds and it was raw powerful chinematic magic as ive ever experienced it before. if you ahvent seen it yet, go. just do it. be prepared to cry, be prepared to swear off looking at your phone while driving with loved ones in the car ever again, be prepared to question your ability to feel compassion for others that have lives more complicated and painful than anything you're lucky enough to never experience, be prepared to allow yourself to feel quite shitty about what you are doing with your life and your time. and then let it go and realize that every passing second is another chance to turn it all around. and yea i did just quote vanilla sky, which i saw for the first time a little while ago. weird twisted mvovie. but thats besides the point. it was amazing, what i just said above about the layers that you dwelve into in your mind.
i dont want to say much. because theres no point . its good... it was a dollar and i understand why the universe bruoght me to that experience. not to sound corny. but yeah.