
Jan 17, 2006 08:32

It is still cold, big shock there. But it is suppose to start warming up again. I keep waiting to get an email or see in an update that Aub has got my box. I am so very bummed, because it had things in it I cant replace. I know her daddy's box was more important, but I sent her some thing's that were just for her. Stupid, stupid mail & customs!!!!
Have today & tomorrow off, but I am working the rest of the week. Steve is in Rochester WM, helping out for 3 weeks, so I am working full time hours. Ted actually has himself working alone today, silly Theodore, so I am going to run up for a couple of hours (on my own time) to help him out.
I think I have pretty much got all of the resets done at the store, we are looking really good in the aisles. The only thing not done is paint & maintenance and they said they would send out the new resets within a month. Also, have started inventory prep, only a month away1
I added a new photography class at BOCES, alot of people said they wanted to take it, hope they follow through. It is Wedding Photography and you may wonder why people would want to take it unless they were professionals. But alot of my students want to know the little tricks that go into getting THE shot right. I have also, taken my Basic Photography class and divided it into two 4 week classes, one is Basic Camera and the other is Composition. I realized that my drop out rate was really high after 5 weeks, people just don't have that much of a time commitment to make. So I made the classes shorter and more topic specific. They start Feb 1.
Received an email this morning from a woman about the Conlon family. She was able to provide information on Bridget & Annie Conlon, sisters that both married Benonia Davison (not at the same time!) Sent it off to Jim and as soon as I am awake, I am going to write her back as she said she had more information, plus she wanted to know what I had on Thomas Conlon & Olivia Jane Gill.
Genealogy can be so exciting, you wake up in the morning, never knowing that a distant 'cousin', you have never met has sent you an email with information you couldn't find. It was a year ago that Jim sent me an email, that has sent me on a wild hunt for all things Davison/Davidson. I probably know more things about him & his family, then I do my own siblings! He sent me his daughter's engagement photo from the restaurant, right after her fiance proposed! I have made so many 'friends' from people I would never have met otherwise, from all over the US & Canada. It is more then just finding out information on the long gone and their history, it is also meeting the living and finding out how much we have in common. I firmly beleive that someday, all the different family trees on Rootsweb, will blend into each other and people will start to realize we are all 'kin'. No reason to hate that person, they are just a cousin, black sheep of the family or best friend I never knew about. Wont the be amazing!
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