
Feb 07, 2006 08:32

So, we have finally been hit. That beautiful January was unnerving everyone, but mother nature has back handed us. "No Spring For You!"
It was like a blizzard yesterday, it started out slow, a lot of blowing and then about 1 or 2 the snow really started. I drove next door to get a hot chocolate at 3 and was driving thru K-Mart parking lot at 2 miles an hour. I couldn't see anything. Some guy in front of me, driving from K-Mart to Lowes actually drove across the and up on the curb, he was totally lost! It took me 25 minutes to go to fast trax & back! I told Steve (who lives in Carthage) for the 10th time, that he should go home. I called Ben to make sure he wasnt stranded at college or attempting to drive the Mustang in this.
People started getting out of work and Arsenal street was closed from accidents. They couldnt get out of the K-Mart parking lot or because of drifting snow, were driving into 3 foot high snow banks and were stuck. Steve finally left about 4, told me what route he was taking so I could let Nikki know if she called. Around 5 some guys who were stuck in the road asked to borrow a shovel so I let them and Ryan called to say people couldnt get up the hill at my intersection. He had to drive thru the square, to P&C and come back into the city from the back way. After i hung up with him I realized the stuck guys were gone, but so was my shovel. I looked out the window and saw they had thrown it down on the ground across the parking lot. OOOOh! Was I pissed! I went out to grab it and saw they had gotten stuck again in the middle of K-Mart, "Thanx for bringing my shovel back, Asshole!" I projected quite well! Went back in the store & locked the door, dig with your hands! I was on the phone when he came back to the store with this big smile on his face, I just put my hand up. He said "I just wanted to Thank you". Whatever! I waved him by-bye. If you wanted to Thank me you should have done it before trying to drive off! They closed 81 south because of snow and 342 because of accidents, no unneccesary travel.
At 6 a girl who works next door was stuck right in front of my door, and I went out to help push. The snow was above my knees and we attempting to push her into an even deeper snow bank! Hey, not my car, if this is where she wants to go, nobody has to listen to me. They finally started plowing and we were able to get her out. By the time I closed the store, they had cleared most of the parking lot & roads, traffic was cleared out and I made it home, no problem. Just Very Icy! It took Ry 1 1/2 hours to sbow blow our driveway and then he had to go do his parents. We got home about 8:30 had some dinner and bed. Today it is sunny with blue sky and about 2 feet of new snow that fell in 6 hours.
Gotta love the North Country! Off to work!
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