Oh Mountain Men....

Nov 22, 2005 23:47

My friend Eliot's beard and moustache is growing to an alarming length. In fact his moustache is almost growing over his lips (which he says then he can tuck his moustache into his mouth...grroooosss)

me: do u know ur facial hair is as long as your head haikr
ur like a chia pet
eliot: well, the hair on my legs and my back is teh same length, but you never say anything about that
me: wouild u be willing to wax ur back if young did it with u
eliot; HAHA!
What kind of a question is that?
eliot: Well...
I didn't know that young had that much back hair
me: he does
apparen tly he's a gorilla
now will ud oit
eliot: Why would I have any need to?
me: so ur back would be silky smooth
eliot: it is woolly smooth right now
me: no its a carpet now
noto the same
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