Not homeless!

Sep 15, 2007 06:20

Hooray!   Apparently, I have beat out 2 other people to get that cute little cottage I posted about last week.   I say "apparently" because I haven't spoken with the landlady yet; she left a phone message on my Dad's cell yesterday, and he just called me (at 6 am California time) to pass it on.   I'm not sure if a wire got crossed or if I accidentally put his number (close to mine) on the application form, but who the hell cares?   I can't wait for it to get later so I can call her and work out the details- I may even be able to move in today, but I can sublet for another week, so if not, I'm cool.   It's a huge relief.   The housing market, especially for single-person units, is insane around here, so I'm super-lucky to get it.   I called mid-week to reiterate my interest, and also to promise pet-sitting (they have 2 sweet dogs) as an added incentive.   (A labmate recommended I offer $50 more / month, but I can't afford it, so I hoped dog babysitting would be a nice perk instead.)   Whatever, it's mine!   This requires a happy dance!

Even better, it's pretty big (especially compared to my last place), so anyone who makes it to the Left Coast is hereby offered actual (as opposed to the previous theoretical) crash space!
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