I R sick :(

Dec 05, 2007 23:39

I've been off work the last 2 days sick. I hate being sick.

I get headaches (ahh, aleave).
My nose runs like a tap (ahh, afrin).
My throat hurts (ahh, cepacol).

I also have no energy, and my eyes burn like I've been keeping them open for days. My throat also gets very parched (often because of mouth-breathing). And I have a temperature to boot, though my body has not been giving me wild hot/cold fluctuations, for which I'm thankful - and I've not gotten so bad that I saturate the sheet with sweat (which is icky, but something I do when sick a fair bit :( ).

I am also trying not to get Dash or tanthe sick - especially since at 2, Dash would just be a royal pain in the arse (he is really starting to act 2 these days, tantrums and all) - and with Lilith pregnant AND Dash's primary care giver, having her sick would not be good.

I don't think I'll be going into work again tomorrow, unless I suddenly feel remarkable. Problem with me often when I'm sick is that I am in kind of a haze - physically I'm fine usually (at least, I'm not so drained I can't get out of bed and do things), but mentally all I can do is sit in front of the boob tube (aka. TV) and be passively entertained. I can't do anything that requires intense thinking, which, unfortunately, is my job.

On the up side, I get unlimited sick days from work, but even today I got 4 different phone calls from work, and my boss said he would like me to look at an issue tomorrow, even if I'm still sick.

All in all, this sucks :(
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