IC: Ministry of Magic -- breaking in with Tonks

Aug 09, 2011 01:13

It's a little over a week after their return to life, and Fabian Prewett and Nymphadora Tonks Lupin are preparing to break into the Ministry of Magic.

Two days before, Tonks was able to figure out who the head of the Unspeakables currently is, and that -- conveniently -- he was due to be out of the office for three hours today. Not a large amount of time, but his next full day off isn't for another week and a half, and they reason, well, if they do find something interesting, they can come back the full day (or part of it) then, and explore more.

So Tonks has taken on the shape of the Unspeakable in question, and Fabian has spent a couple of days perfecting a very select type of minor Confundus Charm -- bounded by the region of his face, so that anyone who looks at it (without already having spoken to him, of course) will see muddled features, become susceptible to mild, simple suggestions, and become unclear as to what they were doing or immediately wander off. It's taken him a while to recall the specific nuances, but he's got it down, and he feels that's all the disguise he needs.

There they are, then, entering the Ministry in their guises (Fabian signing in as simply a guest), so far managing to make it in without issue. "So if I decided I wanted a job here again, and we got caught," Fabian says in an undertone to Tonks as they walk through the atrium to the elevators, barely moving his lips, "do you think they'd terribly hold it against me?"

place: ministry of magic, ic, character: nymphadora tonks

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