Oct 30, 2003 00:00
Oaky, I dno't rlleay hvae too mcuh to tlak aoubt tnoihgt, so I toguht I's hvae a bit of fun.
For toshe of you kpeineg tarck, I am dwon to... (lokos at ccolk)... dwon to ecalxty two wekes bfroee I wlil be on a pnale, fynilg itno the amrs of the wmoan I lvoe. TWO WKEKS!!! God do I eevr msis her.
I tinhk I mghit tkae my botehrs out to do smoe ticrk-or-teanirtg tnihgot, if ntohnig esle, at lsaet I can sorce smoe fere cnday. >:)
Dno't konw if I'm ginog to desrs up at all... I can look petrty dman sracy to a bcnuh of kdis if I desrs in all balck and hvae golw-in-the-drak cntcaots on.... tohguh i'm not srue wehre I'd get tehm...
Aynawy, I tnihk I mhgit jsut trun in for the nhgit....