Oct 25, 2003 23:15
Ok, well to start, the title of this entry has a double meaning which you shall discover as you read this post...
Today I came the closest I ever have to having an emotional breakdown in the middle of my workday, and the middle of Walmart....
I was the ONLY person working in the Pets department ALL DAY LONG, and I was expected to get EVERYTHING done that needed to get done for the day AS WELL as handle ALL the customer service in the area....
As I'm doing this (with a cold mind you), my assistant manager Devona calls me to the manager's office in the back room and proceeds to tell me (roughly translated from "official buisness" lingo) that I'm not doing a good enough job in my department and that I need to show some improvement, otherwise I'm going to be fired....
WHAT THE FUCK???!!! HOW CAN I IMPROVE??!! I'M THE ONLY ONE THERE AND I'M DOING EVERYTHING!!! I'm doing the job of no less than three people and she has the NERVE to tell me to IMPROVE??!!!!
If I didn't need this job so badly I WOULD HAVE told her to go fuck herself right there in that office.... but.....
So yeah, after returning home I had to talk to someone about the horrid events of the day, so I got to have my emotional breakdown while I was on the phone with Lara, thankfully I felt much better after getting all of that off of my chest (I love and thank you very much for that Lara)
Ok, so there is meaning #1, Talking to the one person who always makes everything feel alright... now for meaning #2....... I get to see her in 2 weeks!!!
I'm so happy that after 3 months I finally get to see her again!!!! And angel, I know that you want to meet me while I'm down there, so I will be sure to give you the exact date that I will be arriving the moment I get my ticket.
Anyway... 'tis all for now....
(oh yeah, Jim, Lara mentioned that you might be coming down about the same time as I do, we should talk... we might be able to help each other out as far as accomadations go...)