Title: raise the roof (strike the bells)
Fandom: LOST
Summary: Mad is all she can call him.
Pairing: Ben/Kate
Rating: PG
Notes: I blame Jakob Dylan for this fic, he's the anthem singer for all my Ben/Kate fics.
Tarot cards, Katie. He calls her this because she hates it, so she pushes him away, pulling three cards from the deck and laying them down. All upside down, Ben muses, tapping one carefully, grinning madly. Mad is all she can call him. Mad and happy and melancholy on Sundays.
Not if you look this way. And that makes him laugh. Kate pushes the cards from the table and sits on it, pulling him close. He bought the cards, brought them to her. Another trip for Hurley, another trot around the world. Sometimes, he's just there because he wants to be. Sometimes because he has to.
She doesn't ask today because Aaron is with Carole and Claire, and she's so lonely that it's digging this well in her chest, filling with hot water and acid. And when he's near, when anyone is near, it feels like there's something left for her afterall.
Sawyer is only there once when Ben is. And he's not stupid, never was. He could always read her like the deck of cards she is, like the books he devours. You ain't that desperate, Freckles. Level with him, she raises an eyebrow and shakes her head.
No, James, I'm not. And whether or not he hates her then, she doesn't know. But when push comes to shove, Ben stays and Sawyer goes, back hunched over, stalking down the sidewalk, glancing back only once, to see her bolt the door. Kate presses her head against the dark wood, taking shaky breaths.
You can lie, you know. You didn't have to tell him about me. Kate turns around, watching him lean in the hallway, thin and seemingly ageless in the bad lighting above him. She laughs and shakes her head, glancing him over, pressing two fingers to his side, lightly, against the bruises she discovered in the dark the night before. The slightest twitch of pain passes over him, then vanishes.
I could, she whispers into his ear. But I'm not ashamed.