May 28, 2006 14:47
hahaha. this has been a fun weekend.... thursday. went to work. got out of working with bruno bc i'm immune to poison ivy. so we cut down dead trees with poison ivy on them all day. then came home. got pulled over on the parkway. he caught me at 89. i was doin like 95 when i saw him. didn't even realize i was goin the fast. haha. he saw the condoms and laughed at me. then we talked bout brookdale and he started askin me bout my bokken. he let me off with a creating a danger or something like that. it's only a $75 fine. sooo that good. got home. got changed. frank came over. we went to point to try and find this car detail place he's tryin to get a job at. got lost a few times trying to get there. went there. came back home. renee calls me askin if i wanna hang with her and nick later. i got a list for alcohol. went to farmingdale. saw justin. talked to him for a minute or 2. went in. some irish bastard was there. he started askin me questions bout my card. finally i'm like ok well that's all i got. so took the card back and left. went to lakewood's buy right. they said no. went to the spirits in lakewood. the bitch who kicked me out last time was there so i left. went to brick. they let me finally fuckin buy. thank u. went to nick's house. we drank and played sudoku. then we called up dallie. went there. got some shit. went back to nick's. smoked the shit. then i left round 12. went home and went to sleep... friday. went to work all like out of it. ended up workin with bruno n summer help. went to bayshore. finished that. went to wall. finished that. got back round 10:40 or 11. bruno told us all to go home. i went to the library. sat on the computer. then drove around. meet up with eric and chris for lunch. they got all pissed that they all left. went and worked with them. started to rain. so we went back the the shop and said fuck it. left at 3. came home. renee called me and said that jones is having a party. went to crissy to see them all. jones gave me a list of alcohol. went to brick. got some stuff. went back and chilled with jones. meet up with some other kids at billards. they left and renee picked me up. got nick. went to the kids house the party was at. smoked in the car waiting for them to all show up. went in when they all got there. and the rest of the night i don't remember well. started drinkin sprite and bacardi limon. beer pong was goin on. newman came over at one point. we all smoked at some points. crissy and kaz came over. i got sick twice. then i went to sleep on the kitchen floor.... saturday. woke up to people yellin in my face. went down stairs. renee started blastin halloween music. renee, newman, nick and me left. droped nick off. went got my jeep. droped newman off. went home. took a shower. went out and got lunch. renee came over. we chilled. then we went joy riding. pissed off a bunch of people while driving that day. went to windmill's pool. hung there. went swiming. jones came over. renee and me went joy riding again. pissed people off. went back the windmill. she drove lakota around the windmill. then we went swiming again. round 6:40 left. droped renee off at my house to get her car. then i went to the movies. meet up with jigga j. saw x-men 3. pretty good movie. pissed me off a bit. then we chilled in the parking lot. went home. and went to sleep.... today so far. got up. did nothing. went horse riding. and now nothing again. haha great weekend. peace