Apr 15, 2006 02:34
ok i have to complain. it is fucking 2:30 in the morning. i can't sleep. i haven't been able to sleep more then 30 minutes since 11. my throat is fucking killing me beyond belief. i have to take to sip of orange juice about every 30 seconds to a minute. what the fuck! i want this to fucking stop. i want to be able to fucking go to sleep and be able to breathe and swallow and drink and eat without being in pain. what the fucking hell is going on! damnit. i'm gonna be up all night now. errr. and my mom signed me up for horse riding lessons 2morrow. how the hell and i gonna do that? i can't sleep and i can't go a minute without drinking something to cool down my throat. damnit. i hate this fucking world so much right now. do u really need a throat? do u? i'm really thinking about going into the kitchen and cutting my throat out. i'm pretty sure that'd kill me though. damnit. i'm so pissed off right now at so many things. i'm gonna go watch some family guy or gundam wing or something. fucking a. why won't this pain fucking stop! peace out.