Nov 06, 2005 01:18
For the most part, today was lame. I took my dad to the airport and came back home. But once I had lunch, the next 6 and a half hours were nothing but me sleeping. Don't get me wrong... I LOVE to sleep, but I hate it when I sleep on the afternoon, on a couch, when I could've been using my time more constructively. At least the evening went better.
I went to see Chicken Little in 3-D this evening. Threw down a whopping $10.50 to do so though >.< But dammit, the glasses are really nicely constructed, and I'm guessing it's what commanded the higher ticket price.
To sum up the whole movie: Is it good as anything from the Disney/Pixar collaborations? No. Are we setting our expectations too low because of this fact? Yes. I found this much more enjoyable than I did Robots or Shark Tale.
The pacing for the whole thing is a bit off, mainly because this really wasn't a movie. Chicken Little's adventures could be divided into three separate storylines, and be made more into a 3-part mini-series of events: Chicken Little's rebound, the mystery of the falling sky, and the alien invasion. It's because of this breakdown that I found myself sometimes wanting them to get to a point, and I could imagine that other people were frustrated with that as well. But as seperate entities, it's great. It allows you to focus on little amusing background nuances (Like the bull owning a Fine China Shoppe), and make more sense that Chicken Little's friends get a great deal of screen time. On that note, Fish Out-of-Water is da man.
One thing that really did help to break up the faults of story flow was the 3-D work. When I first saw that this movie was going to be presented in 3-D, I thought it would be all gimmicked out like Spy Kids or that week-long 3-D special ABC did a few years back. In reality though, that exploitative 3-D gimmicks only happen at the end of the very end of the movie, an afterthought that seemed to be thrown in because of the 3-D extras. What did blow me away as to what it really was. Ken, Rob, if you're reading this, Chicken Little is essentially giving us a taste of what Metal Gear Acid 2 will be like with the Solid Eye system. Watching this movie was like sitting next to a window. with the effects, everything was brought to an almost life-like, leaving me wishing that Incredibles had been like this (like the movie could have been anymore bad-ass >.>).
If you've got $10.50 (or $8.50 for student discount), and have some free time, just go give the movie a whirl. Otherwise, save your money for Harry Potter or the upcoming Johnny Cash biography.
On a totally different tangent, go to Steak n' Shake, and buy yourself a holiday milkshake. Pratically had a joygasm eating a White Chocolate milkshake tonight.