Jun 08, 2006 15:19
I haven't updated for a while, a year or so, and then never with anything interesting, my bad! So I will try and update more often. So to recap on the past 2 years (or however long it's been) I was still working in the same job I had done for 18 1/2 (until 3 weeks ago, more on this later) It did take me to some interesting places, Canada being the most memorable where I got engaged, and it also took me to some bad places, Scotland in the dead of winter for example.
All that's changed now, I have given up work for 3 reasons being, boredom, money and they wanted to move me somewhere else. It's been an interesting if not entirely pleasant 3 weeks, mainly because for the first 2 I had no money and was unshure of when I would, I'd made plans about what to do when I left work, but as is the nature of things, they haven't yet come to fruition. So I thought I'd try and write on here every so often to remind my self of what has happened / is happening to me, and so anyone else can watch my life spiral into the gutter or become more interesting, personally I hope its the second one :)