Jan 03, 2008 15:52

So ya here's a great way to start a new off school super early today and had nothing to do before my appointment with my trainer at the gym.....sooooo I decide to treat myself to a whopper at BK. Get to confusion corner my little walking man sign thingy comes up saying it's ok to walk but I still check all ways cause i'm paranoid. No one's coming so I start walking across the street all of a sudden this blue piece of shit old truck with this asshole driver with glasses and beady little eyes comes racing out of NO WHERE onto Osbourne slams on his breaks and stops not even a foot away from me. ME = STANDING THERE SHITTING MY PANTS STARING AT HIM! I move out of the way the ASSHOLE SPEEDS OFF not even stopping to see if im ok. One of the bus drivers stopped to ask if I was ok....shaking and covered in shit I stumble into BK stunned and not entirely sure what even just happened. Called up a few friends to calm me down, stayed inside for a bit then called my sister, cancelled my appointment at the gym and she came to get me. I showed my sister where it happened one of the supervisors for transit was sitting in the parking lot she asked if there was any way to get in touch with the driver that helped me out he used his radio thingy to try and contact the driver that helped me....hoping maybe he got the license plate. No luck:( I sit here typing this thinking WOW I am REALLY REALLY REALLY lucky to be even telling this story right now. Just goes to show you can never be too careful there will always be idiot drivers and life really is precious. Sooooooo HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!
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