Mar 25, 2007 19:55
SO how do you tell the person you live with that she's a f-ing bitch? Here's how...
Leave her a message while she is at work and put a bunch of explicitives in it.
Here's the full story:
Mike and I have been cleaning up her and her boyfriends messes for about three or four weeks now. And on Thursday we had enough. We "talked" to her. NOTHING got through. We talked to her about the smell in the apartment left by her trash that had been there for a month and how we got sick because of the smell. NOTHING got through to her.
The real kicker...or what got Mike and I so pissed off is how her boyfriend thinks that because he is dating her he can store the stuff that he buys at our place. I'm not talking clothes or small things like that. That's not what we have a problem with. Our problem is that when we walked into the apartment today the bed that he got was in the doorway, leaving about 6 inches of space to squeeze through. Nowhere on our lease does it say her boyfriends name. Granted nowhere on our lease does it say Mikes name...but Mike isn't the one storing stuff at our apartment and leaving it in the doorway.
She says that she is "so stressed out." From what? As I write this I can see her class and work schedule. Class for two hours on Monday and Wednesday, work for four hours a break for about six hours and class for four hours on Tuesday. She has no class on Thursday and Friday because she works from 2-11 at Wal-Mart...maybe the most "stressful" 16 hours of her week. Mind you her classes are at CC. Not that has an effect on how hard the class can be, but from my experience those classes are a lot easier than what you and I take a Dana.
Another reason that she supposedly is so stressed out is because she is dating a deaf person. I understand that this could be slightly stressful, however, they have only been dating for about a month. She knew getting into the relationship that it would be stressful. So don't complain to me. If you know something going into a relationship that might be stressful think about that stresser before saying that you will getting into that relationship.
He already has a key to our apartment, he slept over the second night that he was over here, and they already have given eachother promise rings. Those came at about a week and a half.
But really this is what Mike and I don't understand. How she can she can stay out until 5 in the morning and complain about not having time. She's 21...she needs to start acting like a grown-up. Oh wait...that won't ever fucking happen!