Jul 06, 2005 15:08
ok so i havent updated in like forever! im in lakeland and will be here until next fall 2006..that is....sucks fucking ass let me tell you this! im working as a lifeguard at the city pool, teaching swim lessosn,. work outside every every day!...its nice because im all tan now but have sunglasses tan! haha!...lots of cute guys workt here but they r too young for me!..oh well, i can still look! heheheheee!~ ok and last weekend i went to orpando with jen and perry and nathan...fun fun!!...we were at mcdonalds because perry was hingry and guess who i freaking see!! mat with one T the pothead guy who is a real ass! he liek totally stared at me and knew who i was and shit, i didnt say anythgin to him and he didnt sya anythgin to me! so yea...whatever...then we were supossed to go to pleasue island! but nooo!! two gay guys and a drunk jen outnumbered me and we ended up at parlaiment! A GAY CLUB!!! whatt he fuckkk!! seriously! never again! it was interetsing but i couldnt dance ot that techno bullshit and wasnt hit on, and i know jen and i woudl have had more fun at PI. besideds the fact taht jen sobered up when we got there and she was liek omg im soo sorry i said yes to thuis! hahahah! at least shes the one with the bf and doenst have to worry about getting a guy, but then there me who has a sister who is freakin 15 and has a bf who is MY age with a niceeeeeeeeeee car!! what the hell seriously!! omg! im going to be an old maid, this usually doenst bother me much but now it is more and more! its liek what the heck GOd?!! what are you trying to tell me here!! IM in lakeland! the least you coudl do was give me a bioyfriend so i could least get nmy first kiss dammitall! but anyways! life is pretty good ....BACKSTREet boys concetr ont he 23rd! Parenst leaving ont he 21st...for a week to fo to PA, with out me because my job wont giebv me any vacay off! but oh well...and thats about it i guess...lol....comment on anythign u think u need to!! love yall...miss JAX!!