Friends Only

Jun 03, 2004 15:47

To be added:
1. Must add me as a friend, first.
2. Then you must comment, this way I will get an e-mail verifying that a new user wants to be on my friend's list.
3. If you take me off the friend's list, then I will take you off the friend's list.

Journal rules for your Lj:
You will be removed:
1. If you post pictures that break your table and I have to scroll east or west to look at it.
2. If I have immature porn in your livejournal. Art is accepted.
3. If I find seven or more quizzes in one post on one day.

Journal rules for my Lj:
1. Do not post rudes comments about me. They will result in me removing you.
2. Do not post stupid comments in my livejournal about what you did or something. That can be posted in your livejournal.
3. I don't care how many times you post.
4. Don't tell me what to post, but you can suggest.
5. Don't tell me something I did was wrong unless I point it out that it was wrong. If I don't say it is...then I have no regrets about it and I'm happy the way it is.
6. I have a fetish for certain things...those fetishes are not to be tampered with by your thoughts.

For more information, go here:
Frequently Asked Questions
[x] How do I get you to add me? - You have to add me and then comment that you have added me.
[x] Why do I have to do both? - I only add people who add me. I just like it that way. I want you to comment because I don't always look on my info page for people who have added me, but I get e-mails when someone comments. I check my e-mail every few hours, and if Yahoo is on, I check it as soon as I get the message. It insures you get added faster.
[x] You haven't added me, yet. Why? - I probably haven't checked my mail patient...Make sure you've commented. I don't like people who use short-hand (ur, u, y, 2, 4, wut, asl, r) and I might not like your journal because of the long post that aren't under a cut, or large pictures that break my friend's page that cost me to scroll left or right to see them not under cut, or before I just add anybody I check how much we have in common and read a little bit of your journal. I like to comment in people's journals and actually be able to relate to them. If you're pretty much a whiner or a bitchy person that is mad at your mom for not getting you the right purse from Bebe' won't be added. I just can't associate with you drives me nuts. I also hate people who add me for internet popularity.
[x] I took some pictures off your journal...are you mad at me? - Unless they were pictures of me and you're pretending to be me...then no. I have no problem with you taking my icons or anything and using them. I like to see people with a good taste in icons and I take it as a compliment when someone takes my picture to keep and NOT pretend to be me.
[x] What's a LJ cut? - It's a simple way of keeping your journal short and neat. It's a link that sends users to another page that shows the full entry. You can choose what to be under cut in a post, and above it.
[x] How do I do a LJ cut? - Type what you want users to read in the entry before they have to click the link. Then add this: <*lj-cut text="Your.Text.Here"*> Just take away the stars and put whatever you want where it's in italics.
[x] I took some icons, do I have to credit you? - If you took them from the community and the user's name was _myowndecember_ or if they specify to be credited...then yes. But if it was me, I don't mind. Comment though, that way I know you'll want more.
[x] I made a comment in your journal, but it was deleted. Why? - You probably said something personal that I didn't want anyone to hear or you insulted me.
[x] I made a comment in your journal, but you didn't reply. Why? - I probably was speechless towards the comment, had no fucking idea what you were talking about, thought it was stupid, or if it was 9327848927489378497 words long and I just didn't feel like reading it unless you're one of my good, good friends.
[x] You posted a comment in my journal, do I know you? - If I knew you, I'd tell you who I was in the comment. I don't do it often, but every now and then out of boredom, I will search this site for people with the same interest as me and if I see something posted that seems to bring an opinion to mind, I'm going to comment.
[x] I started an arguement with one of your friends in their/your journal and you've taken me off your list. Is there anyway you can add me back? - First off you can start by apologizing to to my friend and they have to accept their apology. If you argued in my journal, then you also have to apologize to me for making such a mess in there and have me accept your apology.
[x] I want a layout like yours, can I have it? - Sure, but you might want to upload the pictures to your own picture host because I move mine around a lot and that means the URL changes.
[x] I want to make you a sign like the other people have done in your journal, but I don't know your name or what to put. - My name is Starr, and you can put whatever you think is cool. Give me a nickname or something like Muff Muff Pants did when he called me Gweezenberry...but don't steal his idea.
[x] I want to make you a sign but I don't have a cam or anything, can I still make you one? - Sure, open up paint and draw me a pretty picture with your name and my name on it. Save it as a JPEG or a JPG file.
[x] My sign has some nudity in it...can I still send it to you and will you still post it? - Yes, you can still send it, but please tell me in the subject that there is nudity in it and if I can post it. We have little kids running around here. I will post it with your permission.
[x] I made you a sign...but how do I give it to you? - You have two choices. You can e-mail it at OR you can make an account at - verify your account, then upload the picture. Post it in a comment by using the second box beneath the picture that starts with the img src="Your_picture.JPG" tag.
[x] You haven't posted my sign yet. Why? - I share a computer with another person, and so it probably got deleted if I didn't put it on photobucket right away. Other than that, I'll get around to posting it.
[x] Will you make me a sign? - Depending on who you are...I might. I'm not too photogenic and I hate cameras, but if you're someone close to me...or made me one, then yes.
[x] Your icon is the same as mine...will you remove it? - I'm going to make this simple. No. I will not change my icon because you have the same one and you want to be Oh so original. Now, if the icon happens to be your face...I can understand but please, nice about it. All it takes is a pleasant,"That's my face...can you please remove it as your icon?". I will not just remove the icon for anybody. You have to prove it is your face by showing me the full picture. Until then, the icon will remain.
[x] I saw your picture on another website, are you a faker? - Nine times out of ten, I probably have an account on that website or someone else is pretending to be me. If you find any of my pictures on a website...please tell me. I'm only on the following websites:
Facethejury: Salems_Loss, Glittertears, xFAGx,
MySpace: Kiss Bang Bang)
Vampire Freaks: stains_on_my_star
Or if someone is trying to be me through chat systems,
AIM: D1G1T4Lxoddyess, DATAssimilation, almost my hero, salems loss
Yahoo: suicide_x_makeover, welcometothesystem
[x] I saw someone with the same pictures as you that aren't on any of those sites, or found pictures of your friends. - Before you go and cuss them out...check with my friends first about their IM names and the websites they're on. Now, about me. If you find my pictures, immediately IM me with the website, and if they're on livejournal, post them. If you know any other fakers, post them here...I think I might start a list.
[x] I want you to make a layout for me, how do I contact you? - AIM: almost my hero, Yahoo: suicide_x_makeover
[x] There is something I don't like about the layout you made me. - It is very important you tell me this. It IS your layout and I need you to be happy with it. Just tell me what you need to change. I don't want to watch one of my layouts go in someone else's trash bin.
[x] I think I might want to try the layout thing on my own. Where do I start? - Type in Howto in the search user box. Click his memories. There's your tutorials.
[x] Can I join your community? - Of course. It makes me happy for people to like the things I like.
[x] Will you join my community? - Probably not. It depends on what it is about. Something like one of my favorite bands, DDR, comics, anime, icons, and graphics...then sure. You'd just have to check in with me.
[x] Will you post our community in your journal? - It depends. Does your banner look cool and do I like your layout?
[x] I made a post in your 'Friends Only' part of your journal for people to join my community, but it was deleted. Why? - This is my personal journal and I don't want people spamming it up with something that really sucks. You could have asked my permission first, my e-mail is always open:
[x] I saw something that offended me in your journal. - Shit happens. If you didn't like what I said then you should probably ignore it. I'm not an anti-semite, but Iraqis are fucking annoying on the computer. They use shorthand and all they want is your A/S/L. People who know me will know I'm joking when I say something about a nationality or your sexuality or something.
[x] I have something against gay people. - I have something against homophobes.
[x] There was nudity in your journal, I can't view nudity or I have children around me. Can you take it down? - For right now there is no nudity in my journal...but trust me, there will be. I will not take it down. Right now the community has some nude vintage icons thanks to _myowndecember_ (Make sure to credit). If I do post nudity, don't worry. It'll be under cut and there will be a warning.
[x] You didn't reply to my e-mail. Why? - Yahoo fucks up sometimes and puts things into my spam box, or I probably thought what you sent me was spam. If you want to make sure your e-mail doesn't look like spam, leave the subject blank.
[x] I saw you on Facethejury and your profile told me to go here to contact you. Now what? - You see the Friend's Only post? Post a comment there with your FTJ and your AIM.
[x] You haven't contacted me yet. Why? - I haven't checked my e-mail yet or your FTJ profile probably made you out as not my type or you were on the bit of the ugly side. Yes, I know...I'm shallow. It's the internet, I don't have to talk ugly people, do I?
[x] I saw some of your drawings in your journal for your friends. Can you make me one? - No, my drawings are very special to me and I only do them for my close friends or people I dearly like.
[x] There was a question I needed answered, but it wasn't here. - I'll reply with your answer and then post it here.
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