I'm a ditz I guess.

Nov 07, 2003 14:05

is it true that I can love another with nothing in return? it seems as though when I put myself out...out to the wolves...that I love more fiercely and I am more selfless than those who treat me well. why is it that I cannot find someone who loves me as I am??? just me. just sarah. I'm so tired. I give up. I give in. and now it's time to throw my hands up. and wash them of this. I'm so weary....I'm so ready for something new something that fills me to the brim. something that doesn't leave me wanting more but leaves me satisfied and content. but yet makes me long for more of the bliss. I find myself sitting here wondering what I did. what did I do but love? what has gone amiss? I will surround myself with those who accept me...those who respect me and those who love me unfailingly. and I know who those people are. I think they know too. but as few as they are they know me and love me for just as I am. they don't expect of me and they don't put unattainable goals above me...just waiting for me to fall. they don't seek out every little dark corner of my being and dwell on it. they don't try to find each and every flaw and throw it in my face. passion radiates from my being and I cannot believe the words used to describe me...from someone trusted someone loved. someone deeply admired.

how could you?
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