my ears keep popping whenever i yawn or breathe in or swallow the wrong way. im super stuffy and i just feel so blah. and i can't take my flonase because im all stuffy and i cant breathe in thru my nose to take it! fucking hell. hmm.. and i'm hungry lol.
i have been on this fucking computer for EIGHT HOURS TODAY.
and this is the result:
took me freaking forever to get the words how i wanted them, because when it comes to icons, i am a perfectionist.
oh yeah, it's from the Shoebox Project of course. because i effing heart SBP to death.
meh.. and the one friend i have on here who reads SBP too is away and won't even see it! and it's all because of her i started reading SBP and i'm now obsessed with it. they really need to post something new.. SOON! argh.
it's still cool though, isnt it? i love it.
i miss Alysha :(
yeah so.. 8 fucking hours. i still haven't done my photo homework. heh.. but i don't really need to do much to my photo journal. because i was a perfectionist with that, too. yeah.
13 more days until MCR!!