Sep 27, 2005 17:31
there's another concert this Friday at the Wolcott VFW again. i dunno if i'm gonna go. Shelly and Angela might. but.. meh.. i'm going to the Apple Festival in Southington on Saturday or Sunday, & i only have $20 so i want to save all my money for that lol. which brings me to my question.. Anyone want to come with me to the Apple Festival? it's gonna be fuunnnnn! apple.. things.. and such! lol and rides and cool booths and apple fritters and bands [which usually aren't that great but yeah]. so anyways, SOMEONE COME WITH ME! please? because you love meeeeeeeee lol.
*woot* WAMS SPIRIT!! ::dances:: XD yeah.. today was Unity Day at my school. it was alright. lots of dancing and singing and acting and instrument playing and stuff. a couple kids tried to play "Stairway to Heaven" and kinda well.. killed it a little, and me as well.. i think i died a little inside hearing such a classic being butchered like that. but ok i'm being really mean. because i really couldn't have done any better AT ALL. i can't sing and i don't even remember one chord on the guitar. so it took major guts for them to go up there and do that.. for all the kids to go up there and perform. and i hate the music almost more than anything, but i have to admit that hip-hop dancing stuff is kinda cool. i sure as fuck can't move like that. lol i wish i could dance. jumping around like an idiot is fun, but doesn't exactly count as dancing. oh well.
hah, my english teacher told me today that he thinks i should consider switching to the AP class. that made me pee a little in my pants because i laughed so hard. a funny man, that Mr. Northrop.. funny man indeed. i'd have to be in Ms. Park's class again.. and we all know how wonderfully i did in english in her class last year.. gosh. i'm just not cut out for AP courses, i'm too lazy. and think of how much shit i would have to make up that i missed. ewww.. i barely have to do anything in school lol and i'm stressed enough. no fucking AP english with Ms. Park who makes you find symbolism in a comma for me, but thanks very much for your amazing vote of confidence. i'll be staying in Northrop's class, definitely. it's honors, so that's good enough for me.