(no subject)

Jul 14, 2006 17:19

Finally back in California...good old Davis. 
I'm not going to type much because I'm still tired after sleeping for 14 hours, plus this morning I got up to use the bathroom but my legs decided not to work so instead I crumpled onto my floor and as I fell my left hand hit/sliced this shard of mirror I have propped up near my wall.  Blood EVERYWHERE.  It was really cool and nauseating, and it didn't hurt really although my pinky is totally sliced at the base and I can't move it without more blood gushing out and I have a really emo looking cut on my wrist.

I'm glad for no more English Youth Hostel food...my body is so accustomed to fat and lard.  I think I'm going on a detox diet soon. 
London was amazingly gorgeous.  It was really funny and coincidental because on the plane ride back, I watched V for Vendetta and was totally cringing on the part where he blows up Parliament.  American dudes can learn some important fashion lessons from British men, too.  Their style is, on the whole, impeccable!  I love it!

Anyway, check out this link to see the most amazing performance ever.
It's really worth seeing, especially the last two songs.  The Stellenburg Girl's Choir from South Africa was absolutely amazing, not to mention incredibly gorgeous.  Their director was hot too, but we discovered that the equally gorgeous man sitting next to him was not his brother but his boyfriend.  Man! 
Check out the link.  I'm glad to be back.  Gimme a call 220-5193 and if I'm not asleep, yeah....
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