I hope your turtleneck swallows you whole. Like a snake. YES. MR. HARPER. I am speaking to YOU. I know that you'll read this because you're going to Google your name and my livejournal username. In Dose, a writer compared him to an arctic wolf. This arctic wolf would have its picture taken, and then silk-screened onto a greyish sweatshirt with cursive writing underneath it. This ultra-stylish sweatershirt will be worn underneath a jean jacket.
... and Oshawa! Do we really need another arena? Is it because Louise is running for the Liberal party? And is it because Louise is a woman? Come onnnnn. You can do better than that, Oshawa.
Tomorrow, we're going to see our potential apartment. How exciting is that? I'm almost an adult. We (or at least I) want to paint it. What colours do you recommend?
Special thanks to Professor Richard Markow for providing this informative graph, and to Laura for telling me about it.
I feel really sarcastic right now. I should probably stop.