Because I'm most likely going to be writing fics and fanfics in here (on top of who knows what else), I think it might be important to give a sort of idea of what someone might except to see (or not see) from me. I'll update this post from time to time with whatever becomes relevant (new fandoms, new loves, new squicks, etc).
I'll make this page look pretty later, and I'll probably add links to fic challenges if/when I join those comms. In the mean time, enjoy browsing via
tags if you fancy something in particular or just want to know what I've already got going on in this journal.
And a really important note: If some fics/drabbles look familiar, it's because I posted them under a different journal. I'm taking them out of that journal and putting them in here so they're all in one spot, but I wanted to note that so no one thinks I'm stealing my own fics. ;-;
My Personal Do's and Don'ts' of Fic Writing
a.k.a. My YAYs, NAYs, and Fandoms
Darker Themes
RP Related
Personal Characters (ie, my own original ones)
Supernatural Themes
Blood sport/play (with mild exceptions if one or more vampires happens to be in the fic)
Water sport/play
Scat and basically any bodily fluids/functions (so don't expect any golden showers here, unless the shower itself is made from gold)
Real Person Fic (I'm just not into writing about real people/celebs.)
Harry Potter
The Mortal Instruments/The Infernal Devices (MAYBE. We'll see.)
Other Notes
Constructive Criticism = Awesome
Bitchiness, Rudeness, Hating, Etc. = Lame and Not Tolerated