Title: The Downside to Brain Elixirs
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character(s): Eddie Carmichael and Warrington
Pairing(s): None.
Rating: PG with slight language
Warning(s): Just the bit of language
Word count: 100
Author's notes: Old. Written for a prompt community or two.
Shit, Eddie cursed, turning around. "Warrington! Hello! How's your mum?" he asked jovially, wondering if he'd gotten bigger.
"You said this shit would help. The only thing it did was send me to the hospital wing," he spat, roughly shoving a bottle into Eddie's chest.
"I said I owe my success to it," he corrected, carefully prying the bottle from Warrington's hand, hoping it wouldn't leave an impression.
"If I don't pass my N.E.W.T.s, your head will be my new quaffle." Warrington glared for good measure before walking off. Eddie thought now wasn't the time to tell him he needed a breath mint.