My Great News, I am A Mommy

Jul 11, 2006 13:34

So the Latest news... Mikey and I concived a baby... 3 months or so along, and I am excited I don't know about him.? But he better straighten up his lifestyle, he did get a job, which I am proud of him for it, I love him so much!!! I have my first ultra sound tomorrow morning, at 7:45am!!! that is fucking early!! But I am so excited, It will more than likely be a girl, of course Mikey wants a boy... But my whole family knows and they are happy about it, my craving is mozz. sticks yum...!! anything with cheese..
The baby will be due in december, and we are talking about moving out of state away from here! this town depresses me and a lot of people, to get out of here would be a dream come true...
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