Prompt 395 - Broken Soul - Special Delivery - prettysophist - Harry Potter

Feb 10, 2014 00:54

Title: Special Delivery
Fandom: Harry Potter
Prompt: #395 - Broken Soul (tamingthemuse)
Warnings: Non-graphic violence, references to dark magic.
Rating: Teen/PG
Word Count: 620
Characters/Pairing: Harry Potter, Lord Voldemort, OFC
Summary: In which Harry shows an uncharacteristic amount of initiative, and the Ministry are incompetent.

Links: Special Delivery (Broken Soul) on FFN.
ETA: Special Delivery (Broken Soul) on AO3.

This entry is cross-posted at

ch: harry potter, ch: voldemort/riddle, fanfiction, f: harry potter, tamingthemuse, ch: lord voldemort

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