Dear Author Letter (chocolateboxcomm 2018)

Jan 02, 2018 01:13

Dear Author,

First off, thank you so much for signing up for
chocolateboxcomm 2018, and for accepting this assignment. I am sure that I am going to love the story that you end up writing for me, and I do hope that you also have fun creating it.

General likes/dislikes:
I am not especially fussy about story style. I love everything from missing scenes that would fit between episodes/chapters of canon to elaborate alternate universes where only the characters remain the same, fluff to PWP, light humour to heavy dark!fic. Endings can be happy, hopeful, ambiguous, or tragic - whatever works best for the story. Genfic, het, femslash and slash are all fine. CROSSOVERS WELCOME! Even if I am not familiar with the fandom, I am happy to come across new fandoms fandom-first!

I dislike character bashing. No matter how much I like or dislike a character, I am much more interested in stories that explore their motivations rather than villainising them pointlessly.

If you lean toward the heavier ratings, I would prefer that you stay away from chan, necrophilia, scatplay and watersports. Everything else (including - but not limited to - non-con, dub-con, BDSM, blood play, infidelity, incest) is fair game. Graphic violence and graphic sexual situations are fine.

Optional Details are Optional:
If you are looking for inspiration or a place to start, here are some of the reasons I would like to read about the characters and relationships I have chosen, and a couple of vague story ideas/prompts. If you already know who and what you want to write about, please disregard this. It is intended in the spirit of helpfulness, not hindrance.

This list is sorted alphabetically, not in any order of preference.

1) The 100: Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin.
I am so, so new to the canon and this fandom, but I've shipped these two since somewhere in the second episode. They work so well together, despite their differences. Because of their differences, in many cases. I just want to see more of them leading the 100, fighting with each other, fighting together, having inappropriately timed make out sessions in the forest. Just more!

2) Bath Tangle - Georgette Heyer: Ivo Barrasford/Serena Carlow.
This is one of my all-time favourite Georgette Heyer novels, and one of my favourite Heyer couples. I love the way that they argue and challenge each other. I love Serena's fierce independence, and that he loves her all the more for it. I love their tempers, and their sense of the ridiculous.
a) I would love to see something about their first engagement. The proposal, the fight that ended it, a snippet in between, maybe something from Serena's father's POV? Or an alternate universe in which they found a way to make it work the first time.
b) Something showing Ivo's feelings and thoughts during the events of the book in more detail.
c) Something post-canon. Their happily-ever-after, or their wedding, or their first (or fifth!) serious fight after getting back together so dramatically and scandalously.

Teen Wolf: Allison Argent/Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall, Derek Hale/Scott McCall, Hayden Romero/Liam Dunbar/Scott McCall, Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall.
I am on a major soul mate/soul mark AU kick with this fandom. Also, I ship everyone with everyone in this fandom, so multiple side pairings are encouraged. These pairings are the ones I don't think there's enough fic out there for. I would love to see:
a) Derek/Scott inspired by something Derek said to Scott in Season 3: "She told me something that changed my perspective on a lot of things. She said that my family didn't just live in Beacon Hills-- they protected it. This town needs someone to protect it. Someone like you."
b)Allison/Isaac/Scott or Scott/Isaac where Issac is just so in love and so confused how this happened, because he's not used to good things happening to him.
c) Scott/Liam/Hayden being wolf-y together and having each others backs in every situation.

The Vampire Diaries: Damon Salvatore/Elena Gilbert.
I know, I know, we got multiple seasons of Damon/Elena. What can I say? I'm greedy that way. Some ideas to get you started:
a) A shippy spin on their road trip to Georgia in Season 1.
b) A canon divergence from the end of Season 2...Klaus, for whatever reason, gives Stefan the blood to cure Damon without requiring him to leave Mystic Falls with him. Even with Stefan still around, Elena gradually falls more and more in love with Damon anyway. Angst and complications ensue!
c) Soul mate/soul mark AU.
d) After Klaus "dies" at the end of Season 3, Elena gets Matt to take her to Damon to say goodbye instead of back to Mystic Falls and Stefan.
e) Elena's parents don't die. Stefan doesn't save her, never sees her at all, never has a reason to come back to Mystic Falls. Damon comes back to Mystic Falls to try to get Katherine out of the tomb (that she was never actually in), and gets to know Elena without the complication of her relationship with his brother pushing them together or keeping them apart in any way.

dear author letter, chocolateboxcomm

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