Title: "Hot"
prettysirenx/PrettySiren, etc
Rating: PG-13 (for language)
Genre: humor, romance, drabble, (kinda) smut, fluff
Spoilers: None.
Disclaimer: I don't own Revolution. If I did, Charlie would get a new jacket.
Warnings: This is Miles/Charlie. So, if you don't like the pairing, don't read.
Author's Note: Unbeta'd. Came from a one-word prompt I left for myself a long while ago. This was actually written before "Cold" and it inspired it, because I wanted something that was less fluffy and more realistic (lol). Warmth=fluff. Also, Aaron Interuptus.
Charlie wiped her brow and glanced over at Miles. His tan skin glistened in the bright sun, as they sat in the tall grass, occasionally peering over it at each other. He was scowling.
“Fuck it,” he said, as he ripped off his sweaty shirt. His chest was hard, firm; Charlie wanted to touch it, but pushed away her desire. “And look at you,” he said impatiently. “You’re still wearing that jacket.”
“It’s handmade and it’s the only one I’ve got,” she replied quietly.
“Don’t whine to me if you get heatstroke.”
“When do you think Aaron and Nora will get here?”
“There was never a set time-I told you that. They will get here when they get here.”
The small talk was exhausted, it had already been so for some time, but they were good at saying the same things over and over when they had to. But Charlie couldn’t take it anymore. Her face was flushed and her mouth was raw and dry. She tore off her jacket grudgingly.
“And leather pants-also an excellent choice for ninety degree weather,” he smirked.
“Are you suggesting I take off my pants now?” Charlie quirked her brow and realized he probably was. Pants probably meant nothing to him. “Why don’t you take off your pants, then?”
He shrugged. “I think I will.”
She didn’t believe him until he removed his boots and then she quickly turned away, blushing even redder. She’d seen him shirtless, of course, but never pantsless. She wasn’t entirely sure he wore underwear, and had suspected for some time that he did not.
She heard as splash and knew that he jumped into the small lake nearby. She whipped around and saw nothing. She waited for several breathless moments until he came up for air, slicking his wet hair back away from his eyes.
Water was a good idea. She really was hot. But she had to know. “Are you naked?” she asked incredulously.
He smirked. “You’ll never know as long as you sit there.”
She did a good impersonation of him. “Fuck it.” She, for one, did wear underwear. She took off her tank top and then her pants until all she was wearing was her bra and panties. She didn’t stop looking at him for a single second, waiting for him to react. All he did was stare, unblinkingly-until she charged into the water, and tackled him.
“Ah, so you are wearing underwear,” she said with an arched brow.
“Never said I wasn’t.”
“But you didn’t say you were.”
“Five minutes ago, you wouldn’t take your jacket off; now, you’re in your underwear. I think we know who won here,” he said, making a ridiculous point not to hide his triumph. “Five more minutes and you’d be wearing nothing at all.”
Her eyes widened and she smirked at him.
“You know-if you were some other chick,” he quickly amended.
“Oh, yeah, like you haven’t pictured me naked.”
Miles Matheson actually didn’t know what to say. Charlie laughed.
“Oh my God-you so have.”
“Oh, like you haven’t thought about it.”
Now, Charlie was speechless. Her mouth bobbed up and down as she tried to come up with some kind of comeback.
Finally, she laughed, said, “Fuck you,” and dunked him. He caught her arm, whether to retaliate or kiss her, she honestly couldn’t tell; she expected both. But Nora and Aaron arrived with the supply wagon, before whatever it was could happen.
“You owe me a hundred pretend bucks,” Aaron said flatly.
Nora scowled.