Calloway Legacy 1.2

Oct 30, 2009 15:59

Last time with the Calloways, Alpha and Chris had a baby girl, Electra. Then she became a toddler and they had Romulus. Chris had to get a job but Alpha mostly went off and fished. Then Alpha started to glitch up and I got pissed.

Thanks to the resetSim cheat, Alpha can now rest in peace.

They finally had enough money for a railing in the kids' loft.

Romulus: WE ALL FLOAT!

Alpha: Less babies, more fishing.

Chris is teh sex in his lab coat <3

I'm really not sure how this happens when you're making waffles, but it did.

Alpha: It is so hot! IT'S UNBEARABLE!
So why don't you move instead of standing there? :T

It took like six sim hours for this man to finally get his ass in gear and arrive to the Calloway house. I really thought she was gonna die.


Fireman: RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Poor guy really wore himself out with all that anger. He panted for a few minutes.

Then wondered why the house smelled like fish and left.

Electra: *looks closely*

Electra: It's pretty ^-^

Awwww. I didn't know there were toddler books =)

Whenever Alpha is hungry, she always bakes cookies. Only cookies. Unless it's breakfast.
Also, you'd think the house would be in less shitty condition. Sink's broken, counter's dirty. What a worthless housewife. Really.
But at least she bakes cookies.

Why is the baby in the floor when there are two perfectly good cribs?!

Oh. 'Cause it's birthday day.
Rom: Get me out of this purple. NAO.


*hop hop hop*

Romulus: I love you. c:

Romulus: but u are teh noms

Later, Alpha tries to teach him to walk. He keeps sitting down. =/

He finally walks and Alpha forces false excitement.


Electra: Oh wait, birthday time =)

*sings* Dance, magic, dance!

Electra: Ta-da?
Nice shorts. lol.


jk. She aged up into a smelly lady with wrinkles and a bad hairdo.

I think Electra likes it.

Here's her makeover.
Electra Calloway.
Loner, Artistic, Family-Oriented.

Her very first want is to learn the writing skill. What a cutie.

I had to put her bed in the living room so when the baby cries it wouldn't wake her up. Someone brought him downstairs anyway so he could scream until he woke up his sister =/
Electra: FUCK IT!

She's still pretty, but she has wrinkles nao.


Poor Electra. Here's her bed. It lines five fishbowls and is near the front door. I didn't even care enough to use create-a-style so it could match.

I didn't want these two to feel left out of the creepy night-stalking.

The next day, Chris teaches Rom to talk in their jammies. =) Romulus' first word is flowerpot.

His second, no joke, is angler.

Electra tries to tell Alpha a riveting story about how she saw Chuck Liddell at the supermarket.
Alpha doesn't even fake interest.

Instead, she lashes out at her daughter about homework that she DOESN'T HAVE because she aged up on a weekend and hasn't even been to school yet.

Electra is hungry and doesn't want to piss Alpha off by asking for food, so she makes herself a muffin.

Apparently it's delicious because she puts that sucker away.

Rom, however, isn't afraid to wail at the top of his lungs until he is fed. I guess that's the only way to do it when you're a baby.

The next day, Chris tells Electra she should go fishing.

Chris: It's easy! You just put some shit on a hook and tie it to a string.

Chris: After awhile, you catch some shit!

First day of school! She's so happy. =D She's gonna love it!

After school, she decides to take her dad's advice and go fishing.

She waits and waits..

Finally, as the sun sets, she catches a minnow.

Alpha: Now he'll be old! =(

He stared at her as he transformed..

..into a mature adult. I thought he was supposed to be an elder. Guess not. :P

Virtuoso-Rom loves the musics =)

A few days went by and I realized I hadn't made Electra do any homework. She wasn't failing so I guess she was doing it on her own, discreetly!
She obviously loves homework.


Romulus Calloway
Good, Virtuoso, Neorotic

Electra: I'm so happy that I can sleep upstairs now instead of in front of the front door!

The next morning Romulus goes to school for the first time. He doesn't look as pissed as Electra.

Electra: Railing! That's great! *claps*

Oh wait, birthday =)

Electra: Hell yeah! Bring on the tongue-kisses!

Electra is sexy as hell. Obviously all artistic loners get tattoos. It wasn't optional.
Loner, Artistic, Family-Oriented, Loves the Outdoors
Yes, she's wearing spiceberry.
Her childhood went by so fast =(

I know I've done three updates in a row, but I really had nothing better to do :P Next update won't be sooner than Tuesday, though.

Previously: (1.0) (1.1)

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