2011 and 2012

Jan 01, 2012 12:32

I seem to be one of the few people for whom 2011 was not a nightmare. I feel quite fortunate about that.

My health is quite good, despite my continued lack of exercise. The worst thing is my asthma has cropped up again, which is interfering with my sleep, but I'm taking care of it. The other health thing seems to be gluten intolerance. I need to get with my doctor and find out if it is in fact celiac, which destroys the lining of the intestines, or just intolerance.

I saw my whole family at Thanksgiving, which was odd, and in some ways good even if it was stressful.

I continue to make tortoise-like progress in decluttering. I have more stuff set aside to give away and a pile of papers to shred. I find myself occasionally longing for new furniture, only to realize what I really like is the lack of crap all over it, which is my own fault. Once I get rid of the crap I can make decisions about changing furniture (subject to funds) or other decorating choices.

I do need to exercise. I have a wii fit, a trainer for my bike, and the ability to walk around either outside or at a mall. It's just sheer inertia.

I also realized I would like to do more exploring around the area where I live. I got a couple books from the library for this purpose. One for walking tours in Seattle and one for day trips in the area. If I like either or both of them, I'll purchase copies of my own and try to make use of them. I'd really like to take a trip overseas, but I don't know if the money will pan out.

I intend (again) to work on writing more. I've kept going to the writer's group (it helps that I truly enjoy the company and writing of the other people in it) so I am at least constantly reminded of my intentions. I know part of the problem is when I am home I look at the clutter that is left and I feel obligated to clean some of it, which annoys me and then I chill out by reading or watching TV. Not logical but seems to be how my brain works. Silly brain.

So. Farewell 2011. Welcome 2012. Best of all possible things to friends and family. For those that had bad times last year, may the new one be a damn sight better than the last one.

new years, reflections

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