Creepy dream

May 19, 2011 09:47

Clearly my mind was working overtime last night/this morning.

I had a dream in which I went to visit a weird little tourist town that was sort of in a cave and you had to walk through a barrier. The chief interest in this place (which was actually only about 6 houses) were these clockwork dolls.

Okay, they didn't look clockwork-y to the eye, but were told emphatically that they were, and they all had a series of motions that they did.

Well, the next day I was told that they dolls had come to life and escaped. Turns out they all had minds of their own but were being controlled. They only moved in darkness though, so of course the dream consisted of me searching for these dolls, turning on lights to find them frozen on the floor.

I should mention these dolls were like the size of barbies or gi joes. Still, I knew they were dangerous in the dream.

Then, to make the whole thing weirder, once I thought I had them all rounded up, I found out that some had escaped again. Only this time they had developed the ability to mind control humans. By the time my alarm rang, I was trying to escape a horde of zombie-like humans being directed by lethal toy dolls.

creepy, dolls, dreams

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