I'm right and you're wrong.

Apr 08, 2011 16:44

This post is the result of an exchange on facebook, in which a person I went to high school with posted a rant about Obama, and several others chimed in. None of these posts had facts or were reasoned out. There were lots of swear words.

Basically it boils down to everything is Obama's fault. My question about whether they hold anyone else to blame for the budget stall was mostly ignored, except of the orignal poster who claimed that it was congress's function to debate funding every year, but Obama was a jerk for not signing in the bill to grant military personnel their pay. Completely ignoring the point I made about the Republicans refusing to come to an agreement unless Planned Parenthood was defunded, thus leading to the budget stall in the first place.

Someone asked what Obama had done, so again, I posted a link that lists what Obama has done. (I did this in response to a previous post also.) So far, no response to either of the links.

While I enjoy blindly hating someone as much as the next person, I get past it and try to understand what is happening.

What is with the "I'm right" mentality? It reminds me of grade school. There is no way to come to common ground with someone that takes up this attitude, and the other person usually doesn't care.

Why would anybody think this sort of attitude is a good idea? Is it fear? Arrogance? An inability to think critically?

My parents tend to do this and it drives me up the wall. Yes, they are in the Republican camp, not that they vote. They do this with lots of other things, though. Leading to visits with them that have a lot of silent time.

There really doesn't seem to be a way past this sort of problem.

people, rightness, politics

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