Nov 23, 2010 17:59
As many of you may already know, a fire broke out in the wee hours of Monday morning in the unit next to Wayward Coffeehouse. Everyone is safe and we are grateful to the Seattle Fire Department for getting the fire out quickly and their empathy to our distress, to the kindness of the Seattle Police officer who was on scene with us all morning, and to the Seattle City Light crew who called in the fire.
And we are most of all grateful to all of you, because you are all far more than customers to us, you are our friends and our family. You are what brings Wayward Coffeehouse to life each day and it is your ongoing support that will be the greatest comfort to us as we start the process of recovery from this devastating event.
Thank you to Naked City Taphouse for providing much needed sanctuary from the cold throughout the afternoon for our staff and emergency responders and to all the neighboring businesses and residents who extended their sympathy, support, and offers of assistance. Your kindnesses are remembered.
As a result of the damage to the building and to our unit we are closed until further notice. We are still assessing the full impact of the damage and do not yet have an estimate on when we can resume operations.
We have been told that it was an electrical fire in the unit next to ours and that it is not believed to be the result of arson.
We will send out updates as we learn more.
Know that we miss you all and are heartened by all the love and support we have received. There is as yet uncertainty but we are remaining positive because of the fantastic Wayward community of which you are all a part of.
We aim to keep flyin’ ...
Wayward Coffeehouse, it's better than a plan
Closed Until Further Notice 8570 Greenwood Ave N, Seattle WA 98103