I'm forwarding on an email to all of you that are interested in Northwest heritage, including the maritime music programs and historic ships based at Lake Union Park. MOHAI's planned move to Lake Union Park would bring increased visibility to all the programs based there. Now that move is in jeopardy. Please write Seattle city leaders, and/or attend the hearing on September 20. This affects all of us in the Northwest, and you do not need to be a Seattle resident to contact Seattle officials. Also, please forward this email on to others that might be interested.
Alice Winship
AKCHO Board President Joe Follansbee wrote:
Having trouble viewing this email? Click here Hello AKCHO Members and Heritage Advisor Subscribers:
I am forwarding the message below to you from Helen Divjak, a former AKCHO board member now with the Museum of History & Industry. She is writing about an outrageous attempt by the City of Seattle to renege on a good-faith deal with MOHAI. This attempt threatens MOHAI's plans to move to Lake Union Park, and it threatens the survival of arguably the single most visible and important local heritage institution in Washington State. This affects ALL of us, not just people in Seattle. Please read carefully, write to city leaders, and plan to attend the hearing on Sept. 20. Thank you.
Joe Follansbee
AKCHO Board President
Dear Friends, AKCHO Members, and Heritage Supporters:
I am writing to you today on behalf of MOHAI to inform you that the future of our museum is in jeopardy. As you may have read in the news last week, MOHAI’s agreement with the Seattle’s Mayor’s Office - one which would allow the museum to reopen in 2012 at the historic Armory at South Lake Union - is now being called into question. If we are unable to resolve this issue swiftly, MOHAI will be forced to close, and may not reopen.
If MOHAI has made a difference to your life or your community, please support us by writing an email or a note to the Seattle Mayor’s office and City council to let them know how you feel. I would also be grateful if you can help me raise awareness about this issue by forwarding my email onto friends, neighbors, and colleagues of your own. History matters and our voices really can make a difference.
Here is the situation:
1) The MOHAI building at Montlake is going to be demolished. In 2012, Seattle’s regional history museum must close its doors to make way for the expansion of the 520 bridge.
2) After three years of working together, MOHAI and the City reached an agreement last fall to save MOHAI by moving it to the landmarked Armory building at South Lake Union. According to this agreement, all of the funds required to restore the old Armory and to complete the relocation of exhibits, staff, artifacts, and other museum services will come from MOHAI’s capital campaign and from compensation designated by the State to mitigate MOHAI’s loss. You can learn more about this agreement in the following Crosscut article:
3) In developments last week, the Mayor’s Office indicated that it now wishes to renegotiate our agreement, despite the fact that that the State’s mitigation funds cannot be redirected. Mitigation funds from the State can be used ONLY for the purpose they were intended: to mitigate MOHAI for the loss of the Montlake building and all the functions it contains. The mitigation includes funds to not only help us restore the Armory building and create exhibits to replace those we will loose at our Montlake facility, but also to relocate many of the museum’s functions (including staff offices, the research library, and artifact storage) that cannot be accommodated at the Armory. To successfully complete our move, MOHAI must be able to keep the agreement.
If you believe that MOHAI plays an important role in our cultural landscape and serves our community by preserving and sharing our history, please share your thoughts with Mayor McGinn and City Councilmember Sally Bagshaw, Chair of the Parks and Seattle Center Committee. Their email addresses are: mike.mcginn@seattle.gov and sally.bagshaw@seattle.gov respectively. If you would like to send a letter, the mayor’s physical mail address is: The Honorable Mike McGinn, Seattle City Hall 7th floor, 600 Fourth Avenue, P.O. Box 94749, Seattle, WA 98124-4749. We also request that you show your support by attending the City Council meeting scheduled for September 20th at 2 PM, at 600 4th Avenue in the Council Chambers, where the council members will vote on this matter.
Thank you for your support!
2700 24th Avenue East, Seattle, WA 98112-2099
P: 206.324.1126 Ext. 30 | F: 206.324.1346
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Association of King County Historical Organizations | P.O. Box 3257 | Seattle | WA | 98114