Kinky v Vanilla

Jun 09, 2010 17:03

In perusing the Stranger online, I read Control Tower, a column written by Mistress Matisse. She's very into positive sex stuff and talks about her own experiences quite a bit.

Her most recent column had to do with trying to figure out how to date non-kinksters and the books she read to figure this out:

What it boiled down to is that she didn't know how to talk to someone without talking about sex, and I thought, 'How sad, she has no other interests.'

She doesn't seem to think very much of us vanilla folk and our inability to spend all our time talking/thinking/performing sex. I find this kind of annoying. The same way I find sports fans who can talk about nothing but their team or someone who only talks about whatever topic they are fanatically interested but is not the sole topic of interest for the other person in the conversation.

I've run into this problem with other kinksters (but not all self-described kinksters) who seem to believe they are so cool and hip and interesting and anyone else who isn't the same way is dull and prude. They probably don't realize how hard they make it for vanilla folks to care about them as individuals or the community in general.

I think I'll just stick to Savage Love from now on, he doesn't seem so dismissive of people who make different choices.

sex, conversation, opinions, kinky, vanilla

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