Part-time job for folks with a car

Apr 08, 2008 12:56

Howdy all,

I've been working part-time for Pasado Safe Haven's Spay and Neuter Mobile.

I find aspects of the job (vet assistant) too annoying for me to keep it forever, and I know they also need more people. What the need is a veterinarian, a veterinarian technician, and a veterinary assistant (no special training needed for the assistant).

So here is the quick version -

A vet, a vet tech and a vet assistant go into this van and assault innocent animals; causing them to be unable to contribute to the animal population.

The longer version is -

A vet assistant confronts tired crabby people at 6:30 am, gets them to fill out paperwork and pay money, turns some of them away and waits for the van to arrive at 8:00 am. At which point, the animals are loaded and the customers are told when to pick up their pets. It's usually 3 girl dogs, 3 boy dogs, 8 girl cats, and 8 or more male cats. This can vary depending on who shows up.

When the animals are aboard, all the cats and small dogs are weighed, all the information is entered into the computer, all the equipment is readied for the day.

At 9:00 am the vet will arrive and check over all the animals. If an animal is deemed inappropriate for surgery, their cage is marked, and the vet will call the owner. Meanwhile, the vet tech has been prepping the appropriate pre-surgery shots.

When the animals are all checked out, the vet scrubs up, and the vet tech and assistant knock out an animal. Usually it goes all the girl dogs, all the boy dogs, all the girl cats, and all the boy cats.

Knocking out dogs (and sometimes cats) can be tough, especially if they are big or very wiggly. Once the animal is under, the vet tech finishes prepping, and the assistant can finish entering stuff in to the computer, and/or prepare any vaccines.

When the vet is nearly done with one surgery, he/she will let us know to get the next animal ready. In between these bouts of animal wrestling, the vet tech does pre-surgery medication, enters her stuff into the computer, and lots of shaving. The vet assitant gets to give vaccines, carry unconscious animals back to the cage, watch them to be sure they wake up okay, wash instruments, and sometimes get things for the vet.

Rinse and repeat all day. At the end of the day, the vet checks over all the animals, gives the okay, and takes off. The vet tech and assistant finish up whatever tasks are necessary, and when the owners arrive, the vet tech goes over how to take care of the animals. Then the animals are given back.

Then, the van is cleaned up (lots of washing of cages) and prepped for the next day.

For all this, a vet assistant receives the handsome sum of $150 per day, and the vet and vet tech get more. There are no other benefits and you are considered a contracter, so there are no withholdings.

If this is something you or someone you know would be interested in, let me know and I'll pass along the contact info.

This is a tough job, I won't lie, The days are anywhere from 10 to 14 hours. You have to have a car because you will be driving out to Everett or Monroe (or occcasionally somewhere else).

On the other hand, they have nobody for Sundays, and if I give up Saturdays, they will need a vet assistant for Saturdays. You could start pretty quickly. The people I've worked with have all been cool and cheerful.

spay and neuter, vet, animals, jobs

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