Stupid dream

Feb 17, 2010 10:21

On and off for the past few months, I have had this dream that leaves me feeling frustrated.

I'm back in the old basement apartment I had in college, and I am trying to pack it up to move out. Not all of the stuff is mine. The landlady is no longer living there, but all of her stuff is still upstairs, and I'm wondering if I should pack it up too.

I still have my current apartment, but feel obligated to deal with the stuff at the other place. Sometimes I still sleep at the old place. Sometimes my ex-boyfriend is there and is not helpful.

It seems like everywhere I look in the place, there is more stuff than I thought there was.

I suppose it has to do with crap from my past, but I don't know exactly what, or I'd try to tackle it.

When I woke up this morning, two hours earlier than I needed to be, I was too irritated to try to go back to sleep, so I watched the episode of House that I missed last week. I enjoyed that at least.

Send me caffeinated thoughts.

frustration, past, packing, dreams

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