And my whiney-ass point would be...

Dec 11, 2009 09:59

My hands and feet are cold.

It's annoying, and unless I'm under blankets or in the shower, it is hard to warm them up and keep them warm.

I don't remember this problem during last-year's freeze. Maybe I blocked it out.

In any case, despite wool socks and fingerless gloves, I still struggle with cold. Perhaps I'm not eating enough soup. Maybe old age is creeping up on me. Or, could years of genetically high cholesterol and the recently diagnosed diabetes be affecting my blood flow?

I don't know. All I know is that it is annoying. Especially when I work out and my hands don't warm up until over half way through and my toes never do. So not fair. I thought exercise was supposed to be good for this crap.

At least we'll warm up next week. Of course, the cloudy days tend to make me moody....

annoying, cold, hands and feet

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