Post Thanksgiving report

Nov 28, 2008 09:49

I and many others enjoyed a fine feast at Casa del Shareware prepared by Mr. Spiderweb. Herazade made her fine pumpkin pies flavored with rum. In addition to the delicious turkey, stuffing, potatoes, and yams, there was a delicious glazed ham, an actual vegetable salad which was delicious, some fruit, cheesecake balls dipped in chocolate, a variety of tasty cheeses and the canned cranberry sauce.

I brought spinach dip and vegetables so that those of us who arrived early could nibble on something while we smelled the delicious turkey.

There were sixteen people which made for a lot of fun conversation and we were treated to a very fine puppet show by the two girls who are six and seven. Girls may be made of sugar and spice and everything nice, but if you are a killer robot, they will take you down. I feel much safer.

And tonight there is a leftover eating party which will allow for more starchy goodness.

I've got my holiday buzz on, so if you see me, I will be full of good cheer, humming some sort of holiday tune, and likely to hug you. You have been warned.

holidays, happiness, thanksgiving, friends, food

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