Attack on Reproduct Rights

Aug 28, 2008 13:50

Sent to me in an e-mail from NARAL:

Linda, act NOW to Stop the Bush Administration's Last Ditch Attack on Reproductive Rights

***Just 25 more days for public comment***

As we have all seen time and again, the Bush Administration, even on its way out the door, will stop at nothing to limit women's access to reproductive health care.

Despite outcry from leaders in Congress and citizens across the country, the Department of Health and Human Services has published a proposed rule that would require any entity recieving federal funds to certify in writing that it does not "discriminate" against employees who refuse to perform abortion care or "any lawful health service" that the employee personally opposes.

And what does "any lawful health service" mean exactly? It's anyone's guess, but I think it is safe to assume that this intentional vagueness is precisely what the Bush Administration wants.

This proposal is so vaguely worded that it could limit access even to birth control, including Plan B emergency contraception.

The scope would be huge: HHS estimates that upwards of 580,000 hospitals, clinics and other entities would be affected. After 25 more days of public comment, the rule could go into effect.

What can YOU do?

Send a message to the Department of Health and Human Services. Many of you have done this already-thank you for your passion and commitment to reproductive health. If you have not yet sent in a comment, please take a minute and send an email now:

Here are some key problems with the proposed rule:

The rule as drafted is intentionally vague in its impact on reproductive health care beyond abortion care. The Department needs to be explicit in the services and treatments that are affected by this rule.
The rule opens the possibility that women across the country could be refused birth control.

Make a contribution to NARAL Pro-Choice Washington's electoral efforts.

The HHS proposed rule is a clear example of a simple fact: ELECTIONS MATTER. From the top of the ticket on down, we need to elect strong leaders who will stand up for OUR values and protect women's rights, not trample over them.

This is why NARAL is hard at work educating and turning out Washington's majority pro-choice vote to make sure we elect a pro-choice president, protect our pro-choice governor, elect a pro-choice congressional delegation, and protect our pro-choice state legislature. Your gift of $100, $50, $35 or whatever you can afford will make a huge difference this election.

We will continue to keep you updated on this dangerous and far-reaching proposal. Thank you for your commitment and dedication to the right to choose.


Karen S. Cooper
Executive Director

reproductive rights, bush, naral, doctors

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