Jul 15, 2012 19:55
I've been giving a lot of thought to what to do with my characters in the near and distant future, as that interim time between expansions is a nice place to do things not directly impacted by lore to set the stage for new RP in the future when it will be. As this expansion ended with me quite happily on the realm I'm on now I can actually focus on my RP and not rewriting my stories to take them elsewhere. XD
Which is where I'm at, and why I'm making an LJ post since feedback is good! After all, the folks who read my LJ are also the ones I RP with the most and therefore the opinions I value the most in regards to my RP. :3
In general, I was wondering how everyone felt about the subject of "dual classing"? That is, quite simply, playing one character with two classes. Now, if anyone was around when I transitioned Tarin from a warlock to a priest, you may remember how I did so very, very carefully because I was seriously doubting how people would respond to that even though "class transitions" are commonplace in lore (mages becoming warlocks, priests becoming paladins, etc.). In general I am really leery about things I do just because I admittedly fear the backlash of things that might be seen as too lore bendy. The most 'out there' thing I've ever done is having Traejan's undead drake be IC but over time I've had to work really hard to write things to have it all make sense.
That said, I've been contemplating bringing the lock back but don't really have the motivation/brain space to write another character. I already technically I have too many to keep track of (seeing as I have a terrible problem keeping the ones I have active as it is). So since Tarin's been using her "warlock abilities" (i.e fire) off-camera I tossed the idea around of bringing the physical toon back under her name (another funny letter name or if I'm lucky, which I won't be, getting the actual name unlocked). But then I wondered how much this might be an IC stretch.
Tarin is ICly a Shadow Priest. She doesn't heal. She really can't heal (though Thistle would argue to the contrary XD), so it's not as if she's Holy and a mystical Light swinger all of a sudden. When she was a warlock she was Destro (and ICly a mage before that). A lot of the class-specific abilities are not things she's good at, if she uses them at all. She's mostly focusing on manipulating the Shadow and/or the Fire magics.
So I wondered how dual classing her would go over with everyone. Is it too much stretch to say "today she used fire and summoned an imp" and then "well she could use shadowform this time". >_>; I really don't want to A) Mary Sue or B) be cheap as hell. Of course, in an RP fight, if that were even to happen, the only abilities usable at the time would be whatever class. Generally her interactions with people tend to happen via the twitterbook and she tends to keep most of what she's doing on the DL anyway.
If it sounds like a bad idea I'll just brainstorm a new name for the 'lock upon her return to WrA and she (likely) won't have an IC presence. Nothing's in motion so a resounding NO wouldn't destroy anything. This is me politely testing the waters before I go on and do that.
Thanks in advance for any feedback guys. :D
dual classing,
the priest to warlock transition or not ,